Ranchi Club
Ranchi Club

Club Rules

Club Rules

Ranchi Club boasts of a history of over 135 years. It has taken ages to build up a reputation. Its long and exceptionally successful saga stems from high standards of tradition, decorum and etiquette. Earlier generations have painstakingly worked for the development of the Club and have left a rich and wonderful legacy for the forthcoming generations.



Sons / daughters of the members between the age of 16 & 25 years of age living in the same house may be allowed to use the Club under such condition as the Committee may prescribe from time to time and they shall pay half of the monthly subscription payable by the members. Permission to allow such dependents of members to use the Club shall not entitle them to automatically become members.


All payments shall be made within 15 days of the date of issue of the bill and if payment is not made , the Hony. Secretary or Hony. Treasurer shall send to the defaulting member in a registered cover , a request for payment, a copy of this rule and a notice to the effect that his name will be liable to be posted if the amount be not paid within thirty days from the date of issue of the notice.

On expiry of this period, if the bills remain unpaid the member’s name and the amount due shall be posted on the noticeboard.

Any member so posted shall be debarred from voting or making use of the Club until his debt is discharged.

If the defaulting member shall fail to discharge his debt within one week from the  date of posting, the Committee shall be at liberty to remove his name from the list of Members and shall there upon cease to be a member of the Club.

A member leaving Ranchi shall give notice to the Hony. Secretary and apply for his bill in time to have it made out before his departure. If this is not done, or if a member leaves Ranchi without setting his club account, he will continue to be liable for the full subscription for each month until such notice is given to the Hony. Secretary and the full amount due from such member duly paid.

The Committee may call upon any member who fails to comply with any of the Article of Association Rules, Bye Laws, or directions of the Committee, or who may be guilty of conduct regarded by the Committee as prejudicial to the interests of the Club to show cause  why such conduct should not be dealt with by the Committee. The period to be specified in such notice shall be a matter at the discretion of the Committee.

Upon the receipt of any explanation

Club Timings:

The Club House remains open for members from 6.00 AM till 11.00 PM. Club Bars and Kitchens close at 10.30 PM on week days and 11.00 PM on Saturdays and Sundays. Members are expected to order their food and drinks accordingly.


The Club remains open on all days of the year except on National Holidays or as specified by the Executive Committee from time to time.


Members can introduce guests provided that:

*No permanent resident of Ranchi or the vicinity thereof shall be so introduced.

*No particular guest shall be entitled to use the club for more than ten days altogether in a year.

*No person(s) who has been refused membership or is / are otherwise ineligible or whose presence the Committee has officially intimated to the member as undesirable, shall be so introduced.

*Guests must be accompanied by the members at all times.

*In all cases, members must register their guest in the Guests Register / fill up the requisite form and shall be responsible for all dues incurred by them.

*The Committee is empowered to allow / introduce guests on special occasions, residents of Ranchi, who are not members of the club.

*Members introducing guests must make sure that the guests’ conduct at the Club is in line with the Club’s ethos.

*The concerned members will be responsible for the conduct of their guests.

*Guest charges as fixed by the Executive Committee has to be paid by the concerned member.

*Members are requested to fill up the guest form in entirety.

*Dependents are not allowed to introduce guests at the Club.

*Outstation Guests: Such guests introduced by members, have to carry proper photo id with address proof with them while visiting the Club. It is mandatory to produce the same at the Club Reception. The photo copy of the Id will be retained by the Club for records. Outstation guests without a proper Id will be treated as local guests and a prior permission of the Hony. Secretary will be required for using the Club. The charges for outstation guests without proper ID proof will be the same as that of a local guest.

*Local Guests: As per Club Bye Laws, members are not allowed to introduce local guests (residents of Ranchi or its vicinity). Local guests can only be introduced with prior permission of Hony. Secretary. Local guests are not permitted to use the Club on Saturdays, Sundays and Club programme days.


A suggestion Box is placed at the Club Reception for members.

Cashless Club:

Ranchi Club is a cashless club. Payments for facilities used can be made by smart card only. Smart cards can be recharged at the Club office or on line through the Club app. For availing of credit facility, members have to sign on the bills.


Members can make payments against bills at the Club office, through Net Banking or through the Club app. Members opting for online payments are requested to inform the Club office regarding details of the transactions.

Credit limit:

Members can avail of credit limit for use of Club facilities up to a maximum amount of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only). On reaching the limit the concerned account is automatically locked, until the amount is paid to the Club. A notification is sent to members in this regard. The credit limit does not apply to the current bill.???


Defaulting members are notified by message and by post. Thereafter, the names of such members are put up on the Club notice board.  The Executive Committee may then take a decision to debar such members from using the Club and cancel the membership. The default amount may be recovered from the members’ caution deposit.

Touch Id:

Touch Id at the Reception is now mandatory. Immediately after joining, new members and their dependents are requested to record their thumb impression at the Reception. Without the touch id, the billing process is not activated.

Private Parties:

Members can host private parties at the Club as per prescribed rules and regulations. However, Members are not allowed to host parties in the Club on Saturdays, Sundays and programme days (except at Celebrations Hall & Garden and The Banyan court). It is compulsory for the Members who have made the party booking to be present at the party. See Party rules & regulations below.


(a) It is the responsibility of every member of the Club to ensure that the decorum, traditions, and etiquette of the Club are maintained.

(b) Members are expected to behave appropriately, while using the Club or while visiting the affiliated Clubs.

(c) Ranchi Club members are like one big family. Members are expected to ensure that their actions are in the interest of the Club. In case they notice  any inappropriate actions or behaviour on the part of other members, they are expected to bring this to the notice of the Executive Committee.

(d) Members are expected to use the Club property with due care and regard for its maintenance and upkeep.

e) For safety and dignity of others, members are not allowed to carry firearms or any item which may make others feel threatened

Conduct with other members and staff:

All members are required to maintain proper protocol and decorum while dealing with other members. The following actions are specifically prohibited as against the code of conduct.

  • Raising voice or shouting in the Club Campus
  • Using rude, impolite or unparliamentary language.
  • Getting involved in an assault or getting physical with any other member, staff or guests.
  • Unsocial activities in public, such as talking loudly on cell phones in the hearing of fellow members, and so on.
  • Members are expected to display due respect and regard when interacting with other members.
  • Members are expected to use courteous language while interacting with Club staff.
  • Members are expected to dress decently as per the dress protocol listed below.
  • Tipping waiters and staff is prohibited.

Dress Code:

Members, dependents and guests are expected to follow the dress code prescribed by the Club.

  • Formals or Smart Casual
  • Sportswear in the sporting area.
  • Club events may require theme based dressing.

Dress not permitted:

  • Shirt or vest without collar
  • Sports clothes (except at sporting areas)
  • Rubber Chappals / slippers / sandals without back strap / barefoot
  • Untidy, inappropriate clothing
  • Any dress not in sync with the culture, discipline and decorum of the Club.


For safety and inconvenience to members, pets are not allowed in the Club Campus.


Attendants / body guards are not allowed beyond permissible limits of the Club premises i.e the Reception area of the Club. Ayahs are restricted only to the Playpen and Children Play Area.

Bar Area:

Persons under 21 years of age are not permitted in the Bar areas (as per age specified by the state government)


Ranchi Club has a large parking space in its campus. For optimum use of space and for convenience of all, members and visitors are expected to park their vehicles in designated parking spaces and respect the non-parking zones. An area is earmarked for self-driven members’ vehicles and vehicles of differently abled persons. Rash driving, blowing  of horn is not expected in the Club Campus. Pedestrians have a right of way.

Other general Rules & Regulations

  • Cell phones and hand-held electronic devices should be muted when entering the Club or set to vibrate mode.
  • Electronic handheld devices (e.g. phones, ipads) may be viewed but must be silent and not generate any noises (e.g. rings, beeps, chimes, voices, etc.)
  • Electronic handhelds are permitted throughout the Club, except at the Main Bar and Lounge.
  • Conversations into/out of electronic devices, including speaker phones are prohibited in public areas, with the exception of the rooms booked for private functions. Members are requested to be sensitive to other members and guests when talking on mobile phones in public spaces, and not receive or make calls in the enclosed areas of the clubhouse.
  • There is no concept of reservation policy for tables or spaces in the Club. However, Reservations are required for hosting parties or treating a large number of guests.
  • Ranchi Club campus is designated as non-smoking area. However, a dedicated area has been earmarked for smokers.
  • Children below the age of ……………….. are permitted in the Club with parents only.

Guest House

  • Check In & Check Out Time : 10.00 AM.
  • Rooms can be booked by RCL members for their guests.
  • Rooms cannot be booked by RCL members for themselves or their immediate families.
  • For booking rooms at the Guest House, an introduction e-mail is required from the parent club. Full room charges should be deposited in advance.
  • For booking rooms, affiliated club members are required to send an introduction e-mail from the parent club.
  • Confirmation of Booking is done only against full payment of room tariff with taxes.
  • Billing Mode for facilities used: Directly by affiliated club members / through RCL Members.
  • Guests can be entertained in Rooms only.
  • Cancellation policy:
    10%, if the booking is cancelled 21 days before the booked date including the day of booking.

25%, if the booking is cancelled 7 days before the booked date including the day of booking.

50%, if the booking is cancelled 2 days before the booked date including the day of booking.

100%, if the booking is cancelled thereafter.

Affiliated Club Members

  • While visiting Ranchi Club, affiliated club members need to carry their ID card issued by their parent club. The Club reception may also want to check any other ID card of the affiliated club member.
  • In absence of a valid ID card, members are requested to carry an introduction letter from their parent Club.
  • Visiting affiliated members are required to get a temporary Cash Card issued from the Club office to use various Club facilities. Bills for club accommodation can be settled with a debit/credit card or cash.
  • Cash transactions if any can be made only at the billing counter in Club office. Cash transactions are not allowed anywhere else in the Club.
  • Affiliated Club Members are not permitted to introduce guests at the Club.
  • An affiliated club member visiting the Club can be accompanied only by his / her immediate family i.e spouse and children.
  • Accompanying family members may be required to submit copies of their Id cards.
  • Residents of Ranchi are not allowed to use the club as affiliated club members.
  • No member of affiliated Clubs shall be entitled to any privileges at Ranchi Club for more than ten days at a time. (Affiliated Club Members can avail of the Club facilities for a maximum of 4 days in a month / 30 days in a year).


Swimming Pool:

Timings – 6AM-9AM & 5.45PM-8PM – Open to all, 3.30PM-5.30PM – Ladies & dependents below 12 years and 8PM-9.30PM – Members & Spouse only

  • The opening/closing time of the Swimming pool my vary as decided by the Swimming Sub Committee and notified by the Hony. Secretary.
  • The Club is not responsible for the safety of property of members or guests. Clothing etc. may be left in the dressing rooms entirely at owners’ risk, but members are advised in no circumstances to leave money or valuables there. If articles are left with the Club employees the responsibility for safe custody is entirely that of the owner though every reasonable precaution will be taken by the Club employees, for safety of the members’ property.
  • Taking a shower is mandatory before entering the Swimming Pool.
  • Members, dependents and guests when in swimming gear shall not enter the lawns or any room of the Club building, barring changing rooms and the attached bathrooms.
  • Dependents under the age of 5 years are not allowed in the Swimming pool except along with their parents/guardians.
  • Photography in and around the Swimming pool is strictly prohibited.
  • Those with long hair are requested to wear water proof caps while in the pool.

Gymnasium: 6.00AM to 1.00PM & 2.15PM to 10.30PM. Monday Closed.

Timings –

  • Change into a clean pair of shoes before entering the Gym.
  • To ensure comfortable atmosphere for everyone please be respectful of others.
  • As a courtesy to the next user “wipe off the sweat” from the equipment & benches.
  • Keep the weights / dumbbells at the designated place after use.
  • Do not monopolise several equipment while others are waiting.
  • During peak hours or while others are waiting limit your time to 20 minutes in the cardio equipment.
  • Wear proper attire (no sandals or slippers allowed).
  • Eatables & drinks are not allowed inside.
  • It is mandatory to record your attendance at the reception.

Badminton Courts 

Timings – 6AM-10AM, 3PM-9PM

  • Only fresh pair of sports shoes / non marking sports shoes (soles should be dirt free) is allowed for entering the Badminton court.
  • No eatables, drinks & smoking allowed inside the Badminton Court area.

Squash Court

Timings: 6AM-10AM, 3PM-9PM

  • The time slot, other than, that which is allotted for learners / beginners shall only be used by them only.
  • A learner/ beginner using the court at any time other than the allotted time must immediately vacate, if so requested by a proper player.
  • The player cannot occupy the court alone if another player wishes to use the court at the same time for a game of doubles.
  • The marker shall not play with a member/dependent if another player wishes to play unless a game has already begun and is unfinished. In such a case, the Marker must vacate the court immediately upon completion of the game when requested by a waiting player.
  • The whiteboard for the waiting players shall be maintained outside the court. It is the players responsibility to ensure that his / her name is put on the whiteboard.
  • The player shall surrender the court immediately to the next name in the whiteboard i.e waiting list, after finishing of a game or max 30 minutes of the play. This is irrespective of whether the game is finished or un finished.
  • When the court becomes vacant in the absence of player whose name is first on the whiteboard., it may be claimed by the player whose name stands second.
  • A player can put his / her name in the waiting list for another round of play only after he completes his previous session of play.
  • Stepping the court without a non-marking shoes is strictly not allowed.

Dress code & general conduct:

  • Only clean sneakers / shoes with non-marking soles allowed. No leather shoes or chappals permitted.
  • Preferably, white shorts, tees and socks. Track pants / colour shorts with tees also permitted. No jeans / pants allowed.
  • No noise when the players are inside the court, Maintain silence at all times.
  • No drinks / eatables whatsoever, allowed inside the court.
  • Maintain decorum and obey the marker or the in charge at all times.


Timings – 2PM – 10PM

  • The Billiards room is exclusively meant for the members of Ranchi Club Ltd.
  • Table no. 1 is strictly meant for members. However, members can play on both tables.
  • Dependents, learners, beginners may play only on Table no. 2.
  • All games to be for a 30 minutes time frame. However, if players are not in waiting, the time may be extended with the permission of the marker.
  • Players need to book their turn with the marker. Bookings to be done on first come first serve basis.
  • Training / practice timings to be strictly followed as and when notified.
  • In case of any damage, of any of the equipment / cloths. A penalty to be imposed on the player as will be decided by the management.
  • Members to ensure the cleanliness, upkeep and decorum of the Billiards Room. In case of any lapses, members may inform the management immediately.
  • Drinks and only light / dry snacks allowed inside the Billiards Room. Service of any other eatables strictly prohibited inside the Billiards Room.


w.e.f. 01.04.2021

1) Available Venue: (Except Saturdays, Sundays and Club function days)

 Club Tadka Back Lawns

  • Karaoke Lounge
  • Lawn overlooking T3
  • Guest House Lawn (with special permission only

2) Parties:

Bookings must be made by members only,  for personal parties / get togethers for self, spouse, dependents & parents.  Non- members shall not be allowed to host Party.

3) Number of Guests:

  • Club Tadka – Dhaba Backyard – Min guarantee of 30 and max of 80 pax.
  • Karaoke Lounge  – Min guarantee of 10 and max of 30 pax.
  • Back Lawn (overlooking T3) – Min guarantee of 30 and max of 80 pax.
  • Guest house Lawn – Min guarantee of 10 and max of 20 pax.

4) Non- member Guests:

A maximum of 40% of heads may be non-member guests. Remaining 60% have to be members of RCL, their spouse or dependents.

5) Music:

The Club shall provide a sound system for recorded music only at club Tadka back lawns and lawns in front of T3. Karaoke Lounge has its own music system. No music shall be permitted at guest house lawn. Live/loud music is not permitted. This is to ensure that other members do not get disturbed due to the party.

6) Decor:

The Club will provide tables, chairs, serving tables and basic lighting at no extra cost.  Members will be allowed to do additional lighting, use party Items or tentage from the Club’s authorised service providers, at an extra cost. Heavy decoration, party Items and tentage which may cause damage to the Club property / lawns or cause inconvenience to other members using the club shall not be allowed.

7) Party Timing:

  1. 8:00PM to 11:30PM at the Club Tadka Backyard, Guest House Lawn & Karaoke Lounge.
  2. 1.30 PM to 5.30PM at the Lawn Overlooking T3 & Karaoke Lounge
  3. 1.30 PM to 5.30PM for Kitty parties only at front lawns and T3.

If a Member so wishes, the time can be extended by one hour only at Club Tadka Backyard and Karaoke Lounge with prior approval. An amount of Rs 50/- per plate will be charged extra for such an extension of time.

8) Charges:


The venue charges (cover charges) are Rs.2,500/- (Rupees two thousand and five hundred only) plus GST, for each party for any of the venues i.e. Club Tadka Back Lawns, Karaoke Lounge, T3 Lawn and Guest House Lawn.

Note: There will be no venue charges for kitty parties organised during the time mentioned in point no. 7 (iii) above.

Food, liquor & beverages:

*Snacks, liquor & beverages shall be charged on actuals as per the Club’s menu rates.

*The charges for the main course shall be fixed separately based on the menu.

Outside catering and food, liquor & beverages brought from outside are not allowed in the Club premises

In case of any specific requirement, Members can get in touch with the contact person. The Club management reserves the right to book, cancel booking and amend these Rules and Regulations as it deems appropriate from time to time.

For further details and reservations, please contact:

Rakesh Kumar, Asst Secretary : Cell No. +91 9431591832

Or send email to : ranchiclub@gmail.com


  1. The Celebration Hall & Garden will be allowed to be used by the Member/Member’s Associate for the day it has been booked. One day booking means that the Celebrations Hall and Garden will be given to the party at 8.00 AM of the booked date & the Celebrations Hall and Garden has to be vacated by the concerned Member/Member’s Associate by removing all erected structures by 8.00 AM of next day, so that the said area is made available to next party for its use.
  2. In the case of functions of Marriage & Reception, one Invitation Card for the occasion has to be deposited with the office of the Club before the function.
  3. No entrance of Barat Party will be permitted from the gate at the Club Road side. Infringement of this shall call for forfeiture of your SECURITY DEPOSIT. Further, the Executive Committee may impose fine as per their discretion.
  4. NO DANCING OR BAND IS ALLOWED from the Main Road entrance gate of the Club up to Tamarind Court. This is being done to avoid inconvenience to members coming
    to the club and to avoid jam at the Main Gate as well as on the Main Road. Dancing and Band is allowed from the start of the passage from the Tamarind Court to the Celebration Hall. No tent house decoration is allowed in this passage, where dancing is permitted, so that Emergency vehicles may drive thru up to Celebration Hall.
    However, electric light decorations are permitted, while ensuring that the passage to the Celebration Hall is to be kept free for smooth movement of Emergency vehicles.
  6. NO CARPETING, TWO WHEELERS, FOUR WHEELERS, DIGGING etc. is allowed in the lawn area.
  7. Violation of rule no. 4, 5, 6 will result in forfeit of your Security Deposit of Rs.50,000/- and the Executive Committee may impose fine as per their discretion.
  8. No Tentage, Food/Snacks counters are permitted in the club premises except the Celebration Hall & Garden Area.
  9. The Management has full authority to remove any structure, which they feel is causing hindrance to free movement of the members, without prior information.
  10. Suspension of membership of the member through whom booking has been done for gross violation of club rules.
  11. The management is not responsible for any loss/theft of the booking party from club premises.
  12. Bar license to be obtained if any liquor is to be served. The rules of government to be strictly followed regarding timings, Make, Bottle size, Purchase etc.
  13. As per direction from the local administration no music shall be allowed after 10.00 PM. The decibel level should be as per the permissible limits allowed by the Government.
    A) Before three months from the date of function : @25%
    B) Within three months from the date of function : @50%
  15. The Member/Member’s Associate shall have to give the following declarations:
    I also further confirm that I/my associate, for whom I am doing this booking, shall abide by the rules, terms and conditions, any damage of property will be reimbursed by me as assessed by the Executive Committee and the total amount may be debited to my account. I also confirm that I/my associate shall be liable for any legal liability which may arise for my/my associate actions.


No. 5 Club Road
Jharkhand – 834 001

Contact Info

Reception : (0651) 2331272
Office : (0651) 2208999
Guest House – +91 94727 50050
Email : ranchiclub@gmail.com

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